Getting started with Flex4Apps

there are multiple ways to get started with Flex4Apps. Below you find some hints how to kickstart your application / use case. Otherwise you can always contact one of the project partners to setup your own Flex4Apps infrastructure for you.

… using Docker Swarm

you can start working with your own Docker Swarm quite quickly. Either execute the line below, or if you are skeptical about what the script does (and you usually should!):

  • download the script manually and evaluate it for security risks
  • then execute it if you feel comfortable or
  • repeat the steps manually as they are documented in the script.

If the execution of the script fails - you might either have to specify your network interface or provide the public IP manually.

wget -O - | bash

… using Kubernetes

Quick start guide based on a Kubernetes setup is show at

Getting started with Kubernetes and Flex4Apps

This repository hosts example configuration files for the Getting started guide.


  • show first setup to get in touch with toolbox
  • use common building blocks as example
    • ElasticSearch
    • Kibana
    • Logstah
    • Mosquito
  • use Kubernetes / Rancher as base ground

Documentation describe to deployment steps for a first setup. Some components has to be manually connected with each other depending on concrete use case.

The solution stores and analyses transport metadata from message broker mosquito to detect abnormal situations.


  • virtual machine or bare metal server
  • 24 GB RAM, 200 GB space left on storage
  • OS Debian 9 minimal

You should be familiar with kubernetes stateless and stateful sets. Helm charts will be used for deployment.


Flex4Apps stack is divided in

  • physical parts
  • cloud part

The stack itself mainly covers the cloud part. From the physical side it receives data via API. In this example a MQTT message broker is used for connections from outside.

Inside the cloud part of the stack data distinguish in

  • payload
  • transport metadata

The processing of payload is application specific. Therefore the stack mainly covers the use and analysis of metadata. Transport metadata produced at system border - mosquitto message broker in this example. They will delivered to an logstash and persisted at an elastic search instance.

To analyse metadata for anomalies Kibana is used. This tool provides visualization and alerting.


Set up Rancher / Kubernetes cluster (optional / unfertig)

Given a bare metal physical or virtual server the following steps needed to set up a first Flex4Apps stack.


Install docker according to Debian manual

Create file /etc/docker/deamon.json with following content

  "storage-driver": "overlay2",
  "iptables": false,
  "log-driver": "json-file",
  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "25m", "max-file": "4"

Firewall rules has to be set manually.

sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent

If asked, save the existing rules for IPv4 and IPv6 and rename these files.

mv /etc/iptables/rules.v4 /etc/iptables/rules.v4.orginal
mv /etc/iptables/rules.v6 /etc/iptables/rules.v6.orginal
Helm / Tiller

running Rancher2 / Kubernetes Setup according to Quick-start-guide

Deploy core stack


  • running Kubernetes Cluster
  • installed Helm / Tiller

For this example it is assumed that context for the cluster is named ‘f4a’ on the local machine. Furthermore installation is demonstrated on a single node within a cluster. Different deployments styles need modifications at target hosts and some labels.

Preparation and adaption to individual environment
  1. identify the host name (value of label of your target host. This value is called hostname later one.
  2. set your DNS to this host an give a domain name, for example Keep attention to set also all subdomains to this main domain host. Add the following lines to your domain name server and adapt the IP. Note that there can be a difference between hostname and application domain name.
*.f4a                         IN CNAME  f4a
f4a                           IN A
  1. Clone the Flex4Apps repository to local directory with
git clone
  1. in /src/kuberentes/values.yaml you have to adopt some values to your local environment; change ALL the default passwords and see comments in file
  2. adapt /src/kuberentes/templates/ssl.yaml and set your :index:SSL certification data

At Cluster all data will stored locally at /data/{namespace}. Namespace will be set at the next steps.

If everything is checked within config files, helm can be used to rollout the entire stack to your kubernetes cluster.

cd /src/kuberentes/
# check for syntax
helm upgrade --install --namespace --dry-run f4a  .
# do it for real
helm upgrade --install --namespace  f4a  .

After rollout some URLs are available:


ElasticSearch (ES) holds data produced by tracing interface of Flex4Apps mosquitto broker.

ElasticSearch can deployed in more than one node. In this example only one node is used.

Deployment can be done by standard helm charts.